Links and Resources

Following the Green Fund’s decision to allocate $8,000 of our budget to Qualified Disaster Relief Stipends for Wesleyan students in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, we would like to offer resources for members of the community to engage in conversations of environmental justice and equity, and how these issues are intertwined with environmentalism and issues of class and race.

We define environmental justice as practices that build healthy communities and support the most marginalized members of those communities. Action and work towards promoting environmental justice takes into account the disproportionate burden that environmental issues place on vulnerable populations. Environmental justice provides a framework of understanding in which the promotion of livelihood only stems from the protection of all members of a community.

Education is an ongoing and intensive process. If there are resources you’re interested in seeing developed here or can recommend, please be in touch!



A Terrible Thing to Waste: Environmental Racism and Its Assault on the American Mind — Harriet A. Washington, published 2019 by Little, Brown and Company